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Tuesday 20 January 2015

80 HIGH PR Websites Link

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Sunday 11 January 2015

Facebook Vulnerability Allows Users to Video-Call Mark Zuckerberg

Vulnerability – CSRF

A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Vulnerability is a type of attack that occurs when a malicious Web site, email, blog, instant message, or program causes a user?s Web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is currently authenticated. 

This vulnerability allows with a GET (In-URI) CSRF Parameter to avoid the Video-Calling blocks into Mark Zuckerberg Privacy Setting’s.
To Video Call on Facebook URL used is –

The Vulnerable GET Parameter is –

After the peer_id= parameter, we’ll insert Mark Zuckerberg ID (which is id=4)

Exact URL is –
Screenshot look Like -

AMAZING Paid4clicks (2$SIGN UP BONUS+1$ref)

Hi friends!
This is the method.PTC,refferals ..
At first I thought it was fake, so I gave it a try very passively and made the bare minimum just to see if I would get paid.

Website link -

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Backtrack Commands - Tut 3


kill: kill. Eliminates the process we indicate with PID:
# Kill

Sometimes the process does not "die" at all, but you can force the system to safely kill him as follows:

# Kill -9
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super-user do: do as root. The user account in Ubuntu is relatively normal. Have administrator rights to half. I mean, it does, but every time you do something important and systemic risk, it must be done by the prefix "sudo" and then typing the password.

For example, something we have done many times in the tutorials is to make a backup of the xorg.conf file. It is located in the / etc/X11 and that any user can change or delete anything if you are not an administrator or have rights as such, thanks to sudo. So we always did:

# Sudo cp / etc/X11/xorg.conf / etc/X11/xorg.conf

Whenever we need to make a apt-get/aptitude update or install and actions of this kind, we have to put before the "sudo".

password: password. This command can change the password for our account. First we asked the current password as a security measure. Then prompts you to enter twice the new password.

# Passwd

super-user: root. By "their" we loguearnos as root. After writing it will ask for the root password and we as administrator.

# Su

This command also allows you to login with a different account. For example, imagine we have another account, besides root and ours, called "guest". To login as such would be sufficient to:

# His guest

and then enter the password for that account.

sudo passwd

Thanks to the combination of these two commands you can change the root password (the super-user).

# Sudo passwd 

manual: manual.'s another powerful commands in linux. Program or command is normally comes with a complete help file on their use and their arguments. When desconozcĂ¡is how it is used and what arguments have a command or application you only have to type in console:

# Man named

Sometimes the information you provide us man can become excessive. Almost all commands and applications accept the argument "- help" to display more summarized some help. For example with aptitude:

# Aptitude - help

Backtrack Commands - Tut 2


remove: delete. Clears the file or folder that you indicate. As before you can enter the full path and file name. This from now we will ignore, I think it has become clear with the two previous commands.

To delete a file: # rm filename

To delete an empty folder: # rm foldername

To delete a folder containing files and / or other folders:

# Rm-r foldername

Other options: "-f" does not ask for confirmation to delete or "-v" shows what clears.

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copy: copy. Copy the file indicated where you say. Here we can also play with routes for both the source file, as in the destination. You can also put the name you want to give the copy. For example, if we were in / etc/X11 and would like to make a backup of xorg.conf in our personal folder:

# Cp xorg.conf / home / tu_carpeta / xorg.conf.backup
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move: move. Same as above, only instead of making a copy, directly drives the file as you indicate, can be other than the original:

# Mv / etc / pepino.html / home / tu_carpeta / ese_pepino.html

Another very practical use that can be given is to rename a file. Simply indicate the new name in the second argument with the same path first. In this example we assume that we are in the folder that contains:

# Mv pepino.html ese_pepino.html
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find: find. Find the file or folder that you specify:

# Find /-name cucumber

The above command would look everywhere folders and files called cucumber. If we were confident that is located at / var eg it indicarĂ­amos:

# Find / var-name cucumber

If we're not sure of the name can indicate it with wildcards. Suppose we seek name contains "Pepi" in the same folder as before:

# Find / var-name * pepi *

You have other options. For example we can tell you find the files / folders over 1500 KB:

# Find /-size +1500

Or the files / folders containing the name "Pepi" and have less than 1000 KB:

# Find /-name *-size pepi * -1000
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clear: clear. Clears the screen / console.

# Clear
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Process Status: status of processes. It shows us what we want to know about the processes running on your system. Each process is identified by a number called PID. If we place ...

# Ps-A

... Will show a listing of all processes, their PID to the left and to the right name. If you want more information:

# Ps aux